This is one of the first non-fiction books I’ve read for a long time and I wasn’t really sure how to go about reviewing it but I’m going to give it my best shot.
This book came recommended by a friend and over all I did enjoy it, however I found it quite difficult to get through in parts. This book makes you ask questions about yourself, and really makes you take a deep dive into some aspects of your life which you probably (if you’re like me) never really have to address from day to day. I wouldn’t recommend reading this book all in one go, but perhaps take it a chapter at a time and give yourself time to really digest it and get a handle on any issues it may highlight for you.
I really appreciated the structure of this book, each chapter is started with a lie which the author used to believe and filled with personal stories, while at the end of the chapter is a list of three things which helped the author overcome or come to terms with this lie.
The anecdotes scattered throughout this book make if different from a lot of the other self-help type books on the market, the author is really drawing from her own experiences and not acing as if she has everything all worked out, which I find really refreshing when we are often faced with what looks like constant perfection from social media.
I believe there’s something in this book for everyone whether it’s helping you align your life to your goals, realising that what others think of you is none of your business, letting go of the mom guilt or taking that first step to believing in yourself.
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