Witch Child by Celia Rees

This is one of those novels that I always find myself able to come back to after a bit of a reading slump. I first read it when I was in high school but still find it enjoyable now as an adult. This novel is primarily set in 1659 and we follow Mary who lives with her grandmother in rural England until she is accused of witchcraft. Fearing for her safety Mary heads for the colonies in the new world but finds that her problems follow her there, and she may in fact be in more danger than she was back home.

I always enjoy this novel and have read it along with it’s sequel “Sorceress” probably upwards of 5 times, there’s just something about Rees’ writing style which I really enjoy. She uses language which clearly lets the reader see the character is in a different time but they are still so relatable and you can really feel for what Mary is going through.

I feel that I also need to praise how Rees handles Marys voyage to America, as a lover of historical fiction I’ve read many descriptions of this journey and often it can be tedious and repetitive but in this case the author manages to impart the monotonous nature of the journey while still engaging the reader and allowing us to see what Marys days look like and how her relationships develop in the close confines of the ship.

I enjoy the relationship between Martha and Mary and in some ways I wish that she had behaved and listened to her more about not straying away from the settlement, however if that were the case she would not have went on to meet Jay Bird and the story would not have unfolded in the wonderful way it did.

I know this book is quite a bit older so I won’t be surprised if many of you have already read it, if you have did you enjoy it? Feel free to let me know or even send me a DM on Instagram if you want to discuss it!
