In some ways this was a fun one to read and in some ways it felt like a bit of a space filler. I enjoyed learning about Aelin/Caleana's history a bit more and the background of a lot of moments which are referenced throughout the books but it just didn't really grip me that much. I do normally enjoy short stories so it wasn't that but I do think it is because of when I chose to read it in the series.
As always there is excellent world building and character development as we would all expect by now but none of them really drew me in as much as I would like. My favourite individual story was probably the one of how she was able to help Yrene and set her on the path of travelling to the southern continent to become a healer but my favourite overall storyline was seeing the gradual development of the love between her and Sam. Now I know a lot of readers really love Sam and this is just my first read through but I'm just not that in to him.
He was nice and I do see how he looked out for Caleana and his sacrifice for her, but perhaps I'll appreciate him more when I do a full reread of the series. The final pages where it documents Caleana's journey to Endovier and the headspace she was in when she arrived I really did feel and appreciate and almost wish I had read it before the first book.
Despite my reservations at the start it was definitely worth reading this one, although my timing might not have been the best, and I am very excited to now FINALLY finish off the series with Kingdom of Ash.
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