I'm a person who loves goals, lists, sticky notes and anything else which helps me feel like I'm getting my life organised. I usually rush into setting my resolutions come the new year, something about it seems to fill me with a sense of unbridled enthusiasm, but if it's taught me nothing else 2020 has taught me to take things a bit slower and with a bit more consideration. So here's an almost complete list of my goals for this year both reading related and not, yes some are the same as you may have already seen on my Instagram but either way I hope you find this post enjoyable or helpful and if some of my goals are very similar to yours do let me know!
1. Read 52 books - I managed to read 35 books from March to the end of December 2020 and that was including about a month and a half break at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic here in Scotland, so with things hopefully looking a bit brighter for 2021, I'm sure with a little effort I'll manage it!
2. Read at least 3 non-fiction books - I'm not usually one for non-fiction but as I'm trying to challenge myself a bit more I thought this goal was fitting. I'm being quite lenient and letting myself choose from anything which could fall into this category whether it be a biography or something factual about nature. I'm actually planning for my first one to be a short book on the basics of investing! I might need to break them up with something with a bit of a story every now and again.
3. Travel more - I'd love to make this a goal about traveling abroad, but given everything that's going on right now I don't know when the next time that will be possible will be. There's still plenty of places in Scotland and the UK as a whole which I haven't visited and would really like to, so I'm hoping with teh roll-out of this vaccine at least that will be possible.
4. Listen to more Podcasts - I hadn't listened to a single podcast until last year but recently discovered one I was a big fan of. "The Daily Pep" made by a wonderfully insightful woman here in the UK, they are short episodes, usually 5 minutes or less, and I love listening to them on my way to work in the morning. Where I would usually tune out the radio as I drove I've really been enjoying the chance to exercise my brain a wee bit, so any recommendations would be very welcome!
5. Read more books I enjoy - I enjoy 90% of the books I read and I'm very grateful to the wonderful authors and book tour operators who offer me copies in exchange for an honest review, but I need to make more time to read books I've picked out myself. I've been putting off reading the rest of the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo and that's an example of just one series I'll be making extra time for this year.
6. No More Takeaways - Myself and my partner are big fans of just eat and we're on a first name basis with more of the establishments in out town, we've both made the commitment to try and look after our health a bit better this year so this is where we're starting. The only exceptions being when it's a social event.
7. Nurture my blog and Instagram - I've had such a brilliant welcome to the bookstagram community since I joined last year, so I've decided I'm going to try and fully embrace it and dedicate more time for it (you can find me as @reviewedbyalli). I'm hoping to do exactly the same for this blog, I hope you enjoy the bit more personal touch, it was beginning to feel a bit dry and robot being just book review after book review, so I hope to continue breaking it up with some more personal bits. Who knows, in a couple of weeks I might even do a "Meet the blogger" post?
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