Spirit Walker by Michelle Paver is the second novel in one of my favourite throwback series I remember reading at school. This one follows on from where we left off after Torak and Ren have defeated the bear and a sickness has begun to spread among the Ravens camp. Torak must set out on a dangerous mission to try and find a cure and once again restore balance to the forest.
His journey takes him to new areas and we meet new clans and enemies we have not been introduced to before but it all culminates in a nice adventure with Torak learning several choice lessons much in a similar way to the first book.
Despite the previous paragraph sounding a bit critical I did really enjoy this read and not just because of the nostalgia. I do really enjoy the character development we see and the way Paver narrates from Wolf's point of view always makes me giggle.
There's some appeal about these novels I just can't put my finger on but the world building, characters and mild fear/suspense the author is able to create in them really makes them something I would recommend to all readers ready for Young Adult and up.
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